Review 314 is the weblog of an up and coming band (El Conquistadors), and follows the exploits of the band members in their personal lives and careers.

Is this just an attempt to bring Internet celebrity to another group of rock wannabees, or is it an honest account of the music industry, as seen by a group of wide-eyed hopefuls?

Well, it could go either way. The posts are well written and insightful, and they only occasionally spill over into “look at me! I have a band!” territory. It’s useful to have a sense of balance in a noncommercial weblog when you have commercial interests to push.

Music aside, there is a lot of content here, and it’s all easy to navigate and wrapped up in a sumptuous interface, right-hand aligned which is uncommon in all websites.

All in all this site makes for an enjoyable read, if perhaps a little on the adult side (no nudity as far as I could tell, but a fair smattering of expletives). Still, there’s plenty here to keep you entertained.doctorgrosz dot com

Review 337

Zannie does an excellent job with her

site. She pays attention to the details

of the pages, providing a polished,

professional looking place to visit.

The graphics and layout work well,

and the site is easy to navigate.

I read through many of the weblog

entries, including a couple of the

archives. The entries were generally

a recounting of a particular day’s

events, or a pondering on the

direction and events of the author’s

life. Personally, i was unable to

relate to many of the posts, but that is

not to say they were no good. Zannie

obviously takes a lot of time and puts

a lot of effort into each entry,

providing an in-depth read every

time. Her weblog consists of some

thoughtful, high quality writing.

I checked out some of the other links

she had to offer, which led me to a

bio, other off-site link pages, and a

photo album. The photo album was

just a directory tree, and it would

have been nice to see some

thumbnails. I was disapppointed to

find that I was not allowed access to

her Forum, and wondered why the

link was offered in the first place.

I have always felt that with anything in

life, you get out of it what you put into

it. With weblogs, your visitors get out

of it what you put into it. Zannnie puts

a lot into her site, so I would bet that

if you went there right now, you would

get something out of it. Go see for


Review 346

A cute well designed layout greets you on its first loading. Well about as cute as grass can actually get. Throughout the entries sporadic posts of what can only be described as Suzu-ness occur that give an interesting light to this weblog. It’s from an anime site, but the owner takes care evidently to make it interesting to all of those non anime fans out there. From interesting happenings in her life, surveys, to the whereabouts others, this weblog is an all around interesting one to review, and funny tooOccasional Coarse Language

Review 262

For a site that has the name I would hope it would be funny. Instead what I found was a lot of not so funny posts. There are multiple people who write for this site and I am guessing they all know each other. The reason I say this is because each of the posts are just as dumb as the other one. Some of the posts aren’t even jokes or anything of importance.

The design of the site looks like some kid who is still living back when a 14.4k modem was the best there was and there were bbs with sysops and if you had some program to download, your site was elite. The tag board is about 10 screens long and is just even more annoying.

Only if you have one of the following should you go to this site: A) a really bad sense of humor B) no life because you are a sysop for a bbs C) have an IQ less than a 2nd grader.

Review 428

Udaho was what seemed to be a group weblog run by six or seven people. Thickly coated with teen pop culture lingo, imagery and style, the site was thin in content and considered itself funnier than I found it to be.

I was unenthused about the rude judgements in the Top Ten Ugliest Cam Chicks post, and never found myself laughing at any of the other weblog entries. Trying to figure out what other content was available for viewing only frustrated me as I was led to ambiguous javascript popups with pictures of the site administrators and logs of chat transcripts that didn’t interest me.

Udaho seemed to be a clique of people who post to this site with no intention of making something anyone outside of their circle would be interested in.

The layout was rather well done, and it actually made sense. However, being primarily orange in color was distracting. The archives (also in a popup window) didn’t work at all, so I was left looking at the main page.

Perhaps this site could benefit from some refining and refocusing. I sensed some potential for creating a good site, but the collaborators didn’t seem to all have their heads pointed in the same direction.