Review 2621

There is something wonderful about being greeted by a photo of a beautiful woman in black knee high boots and not much else that grabs one’s attention. As is the case when you arrive at Mistress Matisse’s Journal. After I stopped staring at the photo 0:) I started to read the blog… I did have a job to do here after all…

Mistress Matisse is “a very beautiful, experienced dominatrix with a private, fully equipped dungeon in Seattle, Washington. I do sessions with beginners as well as experienced submissives.” Clearly this is an adult oriented blog told by someone living a unique life. There are references to all sorts of things I knew nothing about, such as: secondary partners (I would have thought maintaining one is more than enough for any one but she seems to be faring well), polyamorous (loving more than one person) and various ‘dominating’ terms.

I’m not sure what I was expecting… The few ‘adult’ blogs I have read have been rather disappointing and lacked content. Mistress Matisse’s Journal however, was a pleasant surprise. The author is very down to earth, articulate and often writes entertaining thoughtful entries. The blog isn’t about spanking, sex and explicit descriptions…in the Mistresses words ‘I command a certain rate to talk dirty, and ya’ll aren’t paying it.’ She does, however include some excerpts from phone calls she receives, some of which I found very funny, especially her additional comments. ‘I got a phone call yesterday from an unknown guy who said, “I’d like to book an appointment with you for a really hard spanking. That sounds fine, I answered. But I’m married and I can’t have any marks.’ (also read the entry from Thursday, April 15, 2004 – hehe) I can only imagine some of the calls she gets…There are a good number of similar phone entries.

It is a frank, real-life blog of the hang ups and tie downs of being a professional dominatrix. She addresses issues which would affect people in the sex trade such as the legalization of gay marriage. She sees Bush’s amendment as ‘a desperate, pathetic, and malicious bunch of crap…” . Matisse has done some nude modeling and has come across photos of her used without her authorization by various ‘little rinky-dink sites’ on the web. An enlightening perspective for sure. Not only does the Mistress have a blog, but she writes a column in Seattle’s coolest alt-weekly called The Stranger, her column is called “Control Tower”. She also blogs about fighting a cold, seeing family, her love of books, her various relationships, her Saab and common day to day things everyone experiences. There is the occasional ‘artistic’ nude photo (grin), numerous links all over the web to sex related and non sex related sites and often some very interesting comments from her blog readership.

The Mistress offers a fascinating look into a life few people will ever experience. She shares the glamour and the garbage of her job. The content isn’t for everyone but I would still recommend the blog for most people to read, as it isn’t gratuitously offensive in any manner. The site could be spiced up a bit visually as the layout and design is fairly cookie cutter.

I found the Mistress has much more to offer than whips, leather and a red bottom… Well worth a look. This Mountain Dew is for you.
Mistress Matisse’s Journal

Review 2697

Wow.. the American blogger; this must be something – that’s a big claim.

The site has a menu page which leads to the various areas of the site. It links to the blog, photos, links, a guest book, FAQs and a Dallas Cowboys section. It looks good. Not all sections are complete; especially those concerning America’s team.

The design of the blog section is great. Simple and straight forward, easy to read, a great banner. There is a right hand side panel with links to the various parts of his site, his photos (and there are some great photos), other blogs and the perfunctory archives, previous posts and a search facility.

The links work and open in the same window. There is a comments resource which is often full of banter with James’ like minded readership.

The blog has been in existence only a short time since April 2004. He posts reasonably regularly and the posts are varied. Movie reviews is his main stay but he has diverse interests and diverse styles of presenting his opinions or snippets of information.

I made a big mistake which I hope not to repeat in future; I checked out this guy’s photo. Sometimes you can intuit a sense of someone’s personality from their photo and it happened here. James is a real nice guy. How can I be mean about a real nice guy? My daughter says I can’t and I’ve got to agree with her.

I get that sense from his writing too. His prose is not particularly wonderful. I’m not overly fond of some of his use of the vernacular. I’m not a slut or at least don’t appreciate being called one. I really couldn’t get too interested in the majority of his posting. I have very little interest in trivia, pizza or American sports. His film reviews were short but generally on the button, by which I mean I agreed with his opinion. However there is feel good factor here. He really is a nice guy. I also laughed out loud on a couple of occasions – I really did.

All you hip young trendy gunslingers will love James perhaps. He is fun and friendly and doesn’t really have a purpose. That’s no bad thing. Peace and love to the Big Dog… three out of five.
American Blogger