Review 3589

The High Speed Training website focuses on providing training and certification required by all people in the food service industry in the UK. The site looks to be quite useful in helping both individuals through the process of getting qualified to work with food, and it would also be a solution for businesses in need of an easy method to get their employees or potential employees educated and certified quickly.

In addition to the blog, which contains articles that would be relevant to people working in food service, High Speed Training offers formal online Level 2 courses in food hygiene, health and safety, and health and nutrition. These courses can be completed in a matter of hours. Though I’m not familiar with the specifics of this industry, it appears to me that a “one-stop shopping” approach to getting workers trained in all three categories could be quite valuable.

The blog portion of the site is built on the popular WordPress blogging platform, with a simple and attractive layout including Twitter integration so that the company can easily deliver up-to-the minute information to visitors.

The High Speed Training site is another excellent example of how niche businesses can create a comprehensive Internet presence that not only facilitates delivery of a product (in this case training for the food industry), but that also focuses on giving people more general, up-to-date information on the subject. I would say that to toward both these ends, the execution of the site is excellent.

If you’re contemplating a career in the food service industry, especially in the United Kingdom, I would recommend a visit to the High Speed Training website to quickly get what you need to become employable. The site makes it very convenient for any motivated person to present an employer with training credentials proving that he or she has foundational knowledge necessary to work in the food service business.NULL

Review 3682

Today I want to share with you a lesson in how to construct a website that uses most of the tools that you find nowadays in very sophisticated blogs to not only share information but make it very easy in turn for visitors to the site to share what they find valuable with their friends.

I am talking about the PacMoore contract manufacturing, food contract packaging and processing company website which is one of the better examples than I’ve ever seen of branding and customer education that really serves to draw people into it.

Part of the secret here is the Drupal content management system, which rivals the WordPress CMS as one of the very best platforms on which one could construct a blog, or increasingly, commercial websites that need to maximize their return on investment when it comes to customer acquisition costs.

In 2011 one shouldn’t doubt anymore that what were formally blogging platforms can house professional business websites.

In this case, the contract food packaging, manufacturing and processing done by PacMoore is presented with a clean white background and a clear set of quality certifications that the company has achieved. This site uses Twitter and LinkedIn immigration as well as YouTube videos to communicate with its visitors in various formats and allow them to share by way of social media on whatever service they are most comfortable with.

I would suggest taking a look at if you are in need of the business-to-business services they offer or if you need ideas as to how to construct an aesthetically pleasing but functional website for your company.NULL