Review 743

This is not your average teen-age girl blog. The author is funny, sensitive, insightful and introspective (without whining, as so many teen-agers do).

The layout is simple, yet very attractive. Each entry is in a separate table, which looks very nice. The site is also very easy to navigate.

After reading the first page of entries (and learning that she just turned 17), I found myself wanting to find out more about the author. I couldn’t help but smile when reading her about me and simply joys pages. Through these, and her archives, it’s obvious she’s a very well-rounded and intelligent young lady. She speaks her mind and, at times, speaks with her heart.

I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to this site and would recommend it to anyone of any age.what dreams may come…

Review 759

Excruciatingly beautiful and undeniably ethereal in appearance, Mundane Angel is a visual treat chock full of thoughtfully written, timely content. Samantha, the 20 year old author, has obviously worked diligently to concoct this weblog which satisfies on many levels.

Topics at Mundane Angel range from personal commentary to insightful perspectives of current events. The author maintains a consistent tone and flow throughout her posts and the entries are nothing short of inviting. Most topics will appeal primarily to female readers in their early to mid-twenties, but the author’s style is so likable that Mundane Angel’s content will probably appeal to other readers, as well. There are occasional misspellings, but the composition is generally solid and the entries are always readable.

The current, and truly stellar, Violet Delight layout of Mundane Angel views best in MSIE, as NS can skew the graphics and does not recognize the internal links as active. The tonal choice of font color provides a limited contrast between background, text, and links but the text is not altogether difficult to read and the tone-on-tone scheme lends quite a soft touch to the already ultra-feminine design of the site. Mundane Angel’s current layout is soothing and combined with the author’s choice of content, it is a genuinely pleasing read.

Mundane Angel’s Meet the Owner page is a must read and provides vital and valuable information about the author. The Past Layouts and Archive pages are also worth exploration.

Mundane Angel earns a 4.5 on a 5.0 scale due to it’s creative appeal, choice and well-written content, and strong layout. Unfortunately, this site did not qualify for a 5.0 due to the inaccessibility of internal links when viewed in NS. A simple tweak of code will likely remedy the link problem and bring greater cross-browser compatibility to this wonderful site. Readers who use MSIE are strongly encouraged to visit Mundane Angel, as it is a beautiful weblog which one wont soon forget.

mundane angel

Review 831

A bright and appealing site, Just Me is more than Anime and rates fair among teen weblogs. While the author does tend to ramble and, as of late, displays a predilection for on-line test results, quite a few of the entries at Just Me are truly interesting.

Just Me’s author, a 19 year old female, seems to have a diverse background and heritage, both of which make for a unique perspective of current events and daily life issues. The author’s posts range from substantial to overly drawn out in length and most (with the exception of the on-line test result posts) are surprisingly entertaining. Unfortunately, the author’s posts are rife with slang, misspellings, and grammatical errors which will remind the reader of a very young teen’s weblog. If one is able to move past the poor composition, there are a few enjoyable insights to be read here. It is heartily recommended that Just Me’s author consider a more formal, but not stuffy, manner of writing. Proper spelling and a more dignified use of English grammar will ensure easier reading and better flow and, as a result, will attract more readers.

The dual frame layout of Just Me is impressive, bold, and fun. The Anime graphic to the right is sliced for fast loading and the tonal links highlight nicely on hover. The weblog entries and other site content are kept to the left and the content frame can be scrolled. Just Me views best in MSIE, where the annoying GeoCities pop-ups which appear in both frames can be killed with a single click. NS tends to layer the pop-ups which, in turn, also layers the site’s frames. A few tweaks in Just Me’s code may make this site more cross-browser friendly and is highly recommended.

Just Me will appeal mainly to young female teens, but the author does have some talent which promises a wider audience appeal if certain changes are made to the weblog and her style of writing. These changes will certainly come as the author matures and Just Me may just be weblog worth taking another look at in the future.

Just me =)

Review 660

Wow. Another site that just looks very slick. I had no clue what to expect with this site other than the anime characters up at the top.

The posts vary from post to post. Some are about her daily life, while others seem more to be a shout-out thing and others are straight anime posts. Shout-out thing? Yeah you know, So and so, nice layout, Oh before I forget hey So and so… Things like that.

One thing I will say is the author links an awful lot in her posts. Every name is practically linked, which at some points, I almost started clicking on all of them just to see what was going on. The downfall to this is it tells people to go away from one’s site.

The design is very well done. I couldn’t think of a better design for what the person is posting about.

Very well done site, with some minor dislikes. If you are into anime, then this is the site for you.

Twisted Thoughts

Review 659

When I first went to this site I thought it was something that was in a state of disrepair, I saw a broken image, while the other was taking a while to load and a standard black layout. The posts on the site are not thoughtless but at the same time they refer to things that the average visitor doesn’t know about – such as people or girlfriends she’s had. This makes it really hard to care or read on.

The site itself didn’t have much more than the posts and archives of past posts. A broken image here, a guestbook there, your link list and some profile and comments sites that were templates. Other features include big centered white text in a black iframe and a tacky header image. I gave this site a 2.0 because after you get past the substandard layout all you have is posts that I didnt really care for.Random Ramblings