Review 788

When you go to Kaiser, you’re presented with a very nice layout. Everything is cleanly separated and generally nice looking.

Obviously the first thing you going to look at is the weblog. You look, and see some text to the left of the screen. Easy enough thanks to the easy design. You begin reading. Now, imagine Dennis Miller mixed with a late night infomercial host. You now have the author. His witty posts make you want to read more, and you love to hate the commercialized side of him. You keep reading until the weblog basically eats you then spits you back out in mush-form. But good mush… I really enjoyed reading it.

Now you inspect the design more. Everything is separated nicely, which is a godsend compared to some other weblogs. You have your navigation to the right, weblog to the left. He basically took the standard idea of a weblog and jazzed it up… very well.

There’s enough stuff on the left of the screen to keep you reading. Lists of songs, stuff to do… etc. Basically it’s stuff other people needlessly put into other pages… very innovative.

My only one real complaint is he used “c0nt4ct” instead of “contact… which is enough to take it down more than .5 points… trust me.
