Review 779

This is the first camgirl site that I am aware of that has submitted themselves to be reviewed here at TWR. Normally I would have put her under personal, but the phrase, camgirl just seemed more appropriate.

So the first thing I notice about this site is the sweet design she has going for her site. She is very good at Photoshop and she shows off her skills. This design (and all previous designs) has a music theme to them, which is a good thing considering the name.

Now unlike the stereotypical camgirl, Alyssa does not completely sell herself out. Most of her posts are pretty standard camgirl stuff, but there are noticeable differences about her posts and theirs’. For starters, she doesn’t have “buy me stuff” at the bottom of each of her posts. Second off, she doesn’t use too many “aim” words other than lol. Third, she doesn’t make those stupid smilie faces in her weblog like 🙂 or ;P or any number of them… All of those stupid things that deter me from reading the typical camgirl sites are not in this one.

So I start to delve deeper into the site and I realize this girl has one huge site that she must maintain. She has a section called “Music” that has 16 “pop” stars all with a music page about them. Some of them have more info, while others just have a background section, but that is impressive.

Even the parts where she tries to make a little extra money are well done. I am not going to tell you how, that you have to find for yourself. Just know that her site doesn’t have all those stupid fake links to parts of her site to porn sites for her to make money from.

Over all I was quiet pleased with this site. I found a camgirl that actually knows how to be different and honest, without selling oneself out to the