Review 871

“The Obvious?” I think not. You’re typical blog on the web? Probably not. This is a great site. At first I wasn’t really turned on to the layout since it’s a typical Blogger layout. But once I got into read the site, I really liked it.

This site is mainly composed of excerpts from other sites ranging from other blogs, to online magazines to personal stories by the author. It’s almost like a “food for thought” type-site.

The posts are not random excerpts of silly, meaningless ideas and thoughts, but are thought-provoking writings on philosophy, poems, everyday thoughts and everything in between. They are funny, serious and sometimes plain weird such as the writing on the Pope being Catholic that might confuse you. However they’ll make you scratch your head for a while which is what writing should make you do once in a while.

If you’d like a feel of the web from a more, thought-provoking perspective, or even looking for a taste of writings by other bloggers, then I’m sure you’ll find something on this site to your liking. This is a definite must visit.

The Obvious?