Review 2964

This site took an extremely long time to load which turns me off quick. When it finally loaded I noticed a lot of problems with the site. I also noticed it had a lot more pictures than words. The site is also easy on the eyes.

The weblog contains a lot of awesome shots from around Alaska, but it also contains a lot of complaining by a blogger who is in a state of depression as she claims herself. There have not been many posts lately due to her reluctance to blog due to the depression. When she does blog it is about something that has happened to her.

The site has typical blogcity template. In the main part of the blog she has her comments then pictures followed by all the comments she has received on each story. Down the right hand side she has a lot of useful links, but it appears most of the pictures are missing. She has links for forums and friends as well as some other random items.

I found the links she provided to be more interesting than the site itself. I feel the site needs desperate attention. It needs a new design and the content needs cleaned up. I would suggest taking the photos off and place them in an online photo album. Place a link on the site to this album. This would not only make the site more like a blog, but it would also permit the site to load faster.

I am disappointed in the site. With the pictures and travel around Alaska this author does, there is high potential in the site.
Shade’s Blog