Review 2561

All white!! That are the words that come into my mind as the site loads. The writer seems to be very frequently traveling through local trains, because the two latest entries are both train-related.

The writer, as he tells us in ‘About Me’ section, is Britisher who has been living in Tokyo since 1998. The blog is fairly new, starting December 2003 (actually end of December).

The writer has liberally used images, and unlike many blogs where the only function of the images seems to increase the load time, this guy knows how to strike that fine balance wherein images actually do what they are supposed to do: entertain the reader.

Most of the topics covered are Japan-related. Yet the diverseness of the topics is worth an appreciation. One moment he is talking about used-underwear industry in Japan and second we hear his ramblings on Smoking manners.
It should be added that the writer is scantily personal, it appears that his fascination with Japan is still quite strong and he keeps posting in interesting(and sometimes really really funny) facts about Japan.

Overall site design is quite good, though the header screaming “Tokyo Times” seems a little out of place. Apart from that, the design, graphics and the actual writings all blend in quite nicely.

All and all, a nice refreshing blog. If you are looking for some blog where you don’t have to read each and every microscopic detail of the writer’s life, the this is the right place for you. This blog is definitely ‘Out of the Box’.

Tokyo Times