Review 257

First off, it’s easy to see that this website has an amazing layout. The design is both simple and complex at the same time: it has various colours working in the scheme and a Photoshopped-up graphic of Xander and Wesley of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The navigation is simple and easy to follow.

The blogging — notably the most important feature — is entertaining and brief. It allows the reader a glance into the daily life of the writer without droning on with useless detail. The site follows in the true tradition of “weblogging” by linking fellow internet junkies and casting out blurbs of daily life.

The blog also contains links to other places of joy-filled Internet fun — favourite websites/blogs, musical tastes of the moment, and cliques to which the writer belongs.

Overall, the design may be more interesting than the blog at times, but this is due to what seems to be the honesty of the writer and nothing more. A truly well-done weblog.About A Girl