Review 61

Don’t even bother reading this review. Just go to the site as fast as you can. This site dwarfs any other site that I have read, seen, reviewed, what not.

First lets talk about the design of this site. Very clean and crisp. This guy knows what he is doing. If I was to just go in and take someone’s design (something people did like 6 years ago), this would be the one. Everything about the look fits, and it just looks awsome.

Now there is the content. Man, this guy has content galore. And I am not talking crappy links, lots of stupid stuff, but actual content that is worth reading. He really takes the time to figure out what he is going to say and says it well.

Finally there is what I like to call “bonus features”. These are things outside of the normal weblog. I typically don’t go into these areas of sites because lets be honest, this is a weblog review, not a website review. But this guy deserves the royal treatment. He has everything from fan signs to games to wallpaper to you name it, he probably has it. Fan signs you are asking? Yeah this guy is so cool that he has people submit fan signs to him! That is like every webloger’s dream.

Overall this is the best weblog I have gotten to review. I said in the review of Poofle that it would be hard to take it out of the top spot for humor. Well this site will be hard to take out of the top spot period.digital5k