Review 954

I had to do a little digging of my own to figure out exactly how this site worked before jumping into the actual weblog.

Random quotes at the top of the screen, and alternating pictures on the left hand side of the site are an interesting touch to this site.

Appearance wise, parts of the navigation portion of the site make absolutely no sense at all, though. The “me” section isn’t an “about” section, but a link to a couple different weblog type sections.

Finally, my thoughts on the reason I visited this site – the weblog. I couldn’t read it. I tried, but I just couldn’t get into it. There are four different weblogs to chooce from off of the ../journal.html site, and I’m still confused as to which one is the main one. The only time I felt like I really learned about the writer was on the occassional Friday when five personal questions were answered.

It looks like quite a popular site, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this site to a stranger. However, people that know that author and actually have an idea of what her personality is like may have a better understanding of this weblog.:::fresh chicky:::