Review 947

Kaushik has this weblog as a showcase of different links found on the ‘net that the author has deemed interesting. As Kaushik puts in the very first weblog entry at this site, you may find some “scintillating commentary” when the author has time.

There are some really interesting links that have been posted, and it does seem as if Kaushik only posts those links for the public to read when an opinion is available or the author has some personal commentary to add to it. By doing this, Kaushik gives the reader some insight of why the link is being posted and the opinion Kaushik has of the link or its subject matter.

The layout of the website is Blog*Spot template, and it fits nice enough for the site purpose.

Kaushik has a nice style of writing for what this weblog’s purpose is. The author is informative to his readers without sounding “preachy”, which is what prevented this site from just a 3.0 rating.
