Review 408

An oldy and a goody. Probably one of the first blogs I ever encountered. This is one of what I call the “upper tier” of blogs. That is, there’s a small group of blogs that have been around since Blogger began, that are almost synonymous with the world ‘blog,’ that get a good deal of traffic, and that are usually somehow connected to Pyra, either by former employment or friendship.

That being side, the design of actually isn’t very good, and hasn’t been updated in recent memory, but that matters little. The focus is on the content.

It’s the site of Caterina Fake, who’s now in Vancouver, having just recently relocated there from San Francisco. She just got herself a chihuahua named Dos Pesos, because she fell in love with Heather Champ and Derek Powazek’s (two more big blog names) two critters.

What you’ll find in Caterina’s postings is a teeming, prolific intelligence. She’s very well read–you can tell, because she has a list of every book she’s ever read–quite articulate, and fair in her analysis. You won’t find an explosion of personality and humor, however, although she is wonderfully amusing and very witty at times, cute and playful at others. Ultimately, every post is rewarding, and you definitely have to be a loyal reader to keep up (she updates often, and is verbose, like this review).

All in all, is very safely established in what I call “the daily read” category.Caterina.Net