Review 661

The title of this weblog gave me the impression that this weblog would be humorous but instead I found a weblog mostly about food and the day to day happenings at work.

When I started to read the beginning posts I thought maybe this weblog was more of a news type weblog but as I read more and more I found the writer talking about food, especially coffee. Now and then there was a post about something that was happening in their life. The only thing I know about the writer is they have a teenage daughter. I am not sure what country they come from or what they like- other than food. I think knowing so little about the author made me feel like this weblog was a bore. I would like to hear about the author’s personal life and more about how she feels about different things instead of hearing about food for most posts. I also found I felt lost about what the author was talking about at times because I do not have similar interests, or have never heard of the famous people she was talking about. I guess I am not a food lover so this weblog isn’t really for me. The grammar and spelling in this weblog was really good!

The design is a basic blogger template, very neat and tidy.

I recommend this weblog to people who really love food, coffee and enjoy reading about people’s work and aren’t interested in what the author’s life is really like.
