Review 350

I was really turned off when I went to this site because the site did not fit my window. Meaning I wasn’t able to get the whole site to be viewed on my screen. I couldn’t even alter the size of the window to get see the whole sidebar menu which had the links to take you around the site. On top of that, the window for the blog was really small making you have to scroll every few sentences which I didn’t like to do. I lost the arrow to click to scroll down because I practically disappeared. I don’t know if the site’s layout is new and being altered or what, but I found the layout a bit irritating.

Anyway, the blog. Blog was okay, nothing too exciting to rave about. I was only able to read about 4-5 posts from what was in the window. Sounded like the writer was going through some life changes dealing with school and college. She brought up one thing about the Internet about people, especially young girls who are giving out very personal information and made some good points about it. “Stalkers are fanatical about those they follow, and what better way to gain a stalker than to share your intimate details daily with them.”

Despite the site layout which I think would need some work, I think over all the site’s okay.
