Review 332

A great problem for a lot of blogs is content. What to write when there are already so many blogs covering the same material in the same manner?

The problem is further magnified by the idea of running a group blog. Do you devote web real estate to internal conversations, or do you try to construct something that can be more readily enjoyed by the world at large?

Grog Me!, a weblog strangely void of Monkey Island references, is an example of the latter case. The blog content is atypical, with themed posts each week instead of a dry treatment of the writers’ lives.

In general the idea works well, with the week’s topic posted at the top of the page clear for all to see, so that a new visitor to the site can easily grasp what’s going on, without having to resort to scrambling around for an ‘About’ section.

As a pleasant change of pace, there are more blog-typical posts around, but it is good to see a site with a devotion to themed content.

How successful the approach will be in the future, when the number of themes begins to run low, is open to debate.

For now, at least, the number of opinions and perspectives on show is thoroughly entertaining, making the site as a whole a refreshing experience.Grog me!