Review 3108

Here we have a blogger site, with a non-standard template based on a black background, and a nice banner at the top showing a sunrise or a sunset – one of those times, you know, when there’s the ground, and the sun behind the ground, and the clouds.

This is a personal weblog, so right off I’m thinking maybe I’d better leave it for somebody else to review otherwise pretty soon somebody is going to be cursing and swearing and looking to give somebody else a negative rating. But I will put aside my petty prejudices and give this blog a fair trial, followed by a first class hanging (What movie is that from anyway?).

So, the author is Hicham MAGED, he is from Egypt, and a devout Muslim. This weblog is about his life, and his religion, but not necessarily in that order. There is commentary on current events and how they relate to ALLAAH(swt), and invitations to attend what appear to be religious conferences. Clearly the author feels very strongly about his religious beliefs which is cool, you know, if you’re into that kind of thing. Having said all of that, recent posts also include topics such as Firefox, computer games, and Blogger templates, so it’s not all religion and ME ME ME here.

In an early post he quotes Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that kinda cracked me up – the devoutly religious purveyor of peace and goodwill to all mankind quoting the politician, ex-actor, purveyor of violence and mayhem. But let’s not read too much into that.

So what about the look and feel? Here is where I fall in a screaming heap every time, because I know as much about design as Jim Carrey knows about comedy(ie nothing whatsoever). As already mentioned it is black with a non-standard blogger template. The sidebar is grey, the text a kind of light blue that probably has a name I’m unaware of, and basically it works for me.

He uses Flash in the sidebar, which doesn’t bother me because I have Flashblock, and Realplayer, which doesn’t bother me because I don’t have Realplayer installed. Also in the sidebar are a calendar showing Hijri and Gregorian dates, a moon phase indicator, a poll (how did you reach my blogspot?), a weather forecast that I found unreadable, and links, links and more links. It sounds kind of busy, but none of it is too intrusive.

So, in summary, this is a personal/religious weblog, looks ok, and that’s about all I can say. Who should read it? I don’t know. Certainly not me. Will a Muslim identify and enjoy? I don’t know, ask a Muslim. Maybe you’re interested in other cultures, and the people who live in them. Well go for it, but there are probably better resources.NULL