Review 2530

My first impression of this site was generally good. The layout was the same as I had seen in many other blogs, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I noticed the creative way of making two of the letters in the title up-side-down and figured that this would be a very creative site. Even though the title does tell me a little bit about what the site would contain, I didn’t judge a blog by its title and I continued down to the meat of the blog.

I think the posts were well thought out, if not completely random from each other. Sometimes, the posts were about something cool that Keith, the author of the blog, found while visiting other blogs, while other times it’s a cool site to check out. While reading threw his blogs, I couldn’t tell a lot about him. He hids himself in his writing so you have no idea how this person lives their life at all. In that case, if you are interested in finding out about this teacher, your best bet is to check out his “About Me” site, which is conveniently located under his picture in the corner. When I was checking out this “About Me” site, I found a bunch of great pictures lining the side. I was impressed with his pictures, which he calls “Random Pictures”, which subsequently matches the theme of his entire blog. This ties everything together very nicely. He also has two very cute Labrador Retrievers named Judy and Watson, who I would greatly recommend seeing.

The design of this site is very clean and easy to manage. Nothing is cluttered and everything is lined neatly along the sides for easy viewing and navigation. I was very impressed on how many ways your can look at the archives. You can view them monthly, by category, or just check out the newest ones. Although it’s very nice, it does lack color to bring the reader into the blog, but I don’t think it takes anything away from the experience.

When you read this site, you will find a ton of links in his posts so it can keep you entertained for hours on end, I’m sure. I think it’s helpful to understand what he’s talking about with the links to the sites being discussed. I also found that his “About Me” was very informative, although I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t find out who the real Keith was through his posts. He also has some books, DVDs, and movies that he likes, which helps the reader understand his tastes. These all let you know Keith a little bit better, which is essential in becoming sucked into his weblog.

Overall, I was impressed on his ability to find interesting sites to visit and present them in an interesting manner. He gives you just enough about the site to hook you into visiting it. He seems like a very creative teacher with an attractive writing style to match his attractive design. This site is definitely worth checking out at any age.
random thinks