Review 2528

My first impression of this blog was that, even though the layout might be simple, it’s deceptively concealing a gem. I don’t know why, but I got a really good feeling from this site. The picture, which is the only really design oriented one on the site, is very abstract and suggest that the author will be unique. The classic colors also show someone with style.

I read on to find that quite a few of my initial perceptions were correct. First of all, Kai is a 30 year old gay man with a killer sense of humor. The more I read his blogs, the more I liked his site. Every entry was funny and entertaining and it made me wish I had a life that compelling. Another thing I like about his blog is that it can be read by any age group because all of the blogs are addressed with no particular age group in mind. I suppose some of the language used might not be suitable for a 10 year old, say, but to the general webloging community, this is perfectly suitable for anyone.

As I read through the blogs on the first page, I began craving more of Kai’s great stories and found that finding more of these comic masterpieces proved much more difficult then simply hitting an archive button. I found myself looking at a little calendar with the dates of posts linked. This isn’t uncommon but it is usually accompanied by a monthly archive link. Although this was a slightly hassle, I eagerly fumbled to some earlier posts and read on to be even more enthusiastic about his posts. Kai truly is a comedic man but it’s hard to read his comedy when it’s hidden in many clicks of his calendar month changer. I also found, to my dislike, that he blogged a total of one time between his first post at the beginning of September and mid November, when he seemed to start back up again.

The extras on this site are rather generic, with a tagboard, a cute, little Cartman (for you South Park fans), and a Quizilla result. He didn’t have any links to other sites he enjoyed or books of interest but I believe these will come with time. I think this site definitely deserves to be visited, especially since he’s such a funny guy, but I wouldn’t let the back arrow be deceiving when you’re looking at his calendar. It will keep going forever!

Rambling Along