Review 2486

The first thing I noticed about this blog is that it tells you right away what to expect. The subheader reads “business & tech & jeremy.” The author of this blog is Jeremy Wright, a 24 year old tech professional. Knowing that Jeremy is a tech professional adds some crediblilty to this blog, which covers a lot of IT and other tech subjects. The simple, easy to read design also caught my eye right away and encouraged me to scroll down and enjoy this blog.

Whether talking about the job, musing about LongHorn, or ranting about a baseball game, Ensight is always a great read. Jeremy updates several times a day so the content is always fresh. I immediately subscribed to his RSS feed. One word of caution: Most of Jeremy’s entries are pretty tech heavy, so if you’re not down with the geek speak you might want to do some research before perusing this blog. If you’re big into anything IT related, like I am, you’ll be in comfortable surroundings.

The design of the site is really great. It’s pretty easy to tell that this is a Movable Type blog, but that certainly isn’t a bad thing. Jeremy has taken the time to customize his templates and make the blog even easier to read. The colors go really well together and are easy on the eyes.

Like I said before, if you’re into computing, technology, or anything like that, this blog is definitely worth a daily read. The frequent updates and great design make this blog well worth the visit. Ensight – Jeremy C. Wright