Review 2486

When Ensight first loads up, a header image appears with the words “business & tech & Jeremy”. No three words could be more accurate about the contents of what readers will come across should they stumble upon this site.

“The thought behind ensight was for a few of us to have a place to express ourselves in a… Well, in a low-stress environment.” is how Jeremy describes the reason behind this weblog on the site’s one month anniversary in July of 2003. Ensight falls nothing short of exactly that. Each of the different authors that contribute to the site from time to time expresses themselves quite well, all using correct grammar and punctuation in addition to their clear thoughts and even their ability to keep the majority of new and return readers entertained.

Each time an author posts to Ensight, the entries give readers the impression that there’s really been some thorough research done before anything is written. Enough is written in each post to get the point across, but more often then not, the authors will provide readers with additional sources to find more information about the subject matter at hand.

It’s not all informative technical/business posts, though. For example, Jeremy, one of the site’s main authors and creators of Ensight, is on the search for a better job, and through his research and/or experiences, readers are given tips and hints of what to do or not do in a job search in accordance to Jeremy’s hands-on experiences. Posts like the ones regarding Jeremy’s job search remind readers that the people blogging at Ensight aren’t doing it just as robots that do nothing but write about the latest and greatest in technology; they’re doing it because it’s something they have an honest interest in and want to share the information they find with others just as curious as themselves.

The layout isn’t a bad template at all, appearing to be a standard Movable Type template with the colors slightly changed. Each entry appears in a gray box, complete with all the Movable Type features – giving readers the ability to comment, find links to individual entries, and a way to track back to each entry. The archived entries are listed by category and by the month down the sidebar, where you’ll also find the calendar of entries, link the author(s) visits, and other typical external links.

I couldn’t find anything that I would change about this weblog. The design works for the purpose behind the site. The writing is easy to read and it keeps the readers interested. In all, Ensight does provide a huge chunk of insight to anyone stumbling upon it. The tech talk isn’t geared strictly towards those who are professionals in that particular field, but more along the lines of the average person just wanting to learn more. It’s definitely worth a once over, and if you’re into the ever-popular tech world, it’s definitely going to be worth a lot more than that.

Ensight – Jeremy C. Wright