Review 2238

The Adult category has always been, in the past, used for sites with a large number of profanities and/or sexual content. However, the owner of Piscean Waters, has chosen to list his weblog as an Adult blog because it is written by an adult and is intended for adults. With that said, we move onto the review.

When i first entered the site I was greeted with a lot of different things. We have an intro page that gives us some insight into the blog itself. We have 2 columns, each with their own content (one for navigation, the other for links to other parts of his site and other sites). We are also met with a different icon for our mouse. Instead of the arrow that we typically use, we have a little fish following the arrow. It fits being that this site is called Piscean Waters. There is also a reason for the fish which is explained on the page. But there is more. We have a randomly generate quote on the page, as well as some images at the top that you don’t know why they are there until you read the text that is displayed when you hold the cursor over them. So that is all in the first minute of reading the weblog.

Lets move onto the design of the site. As stated before we have a 3 column layout. The entries are listed under a section called Blog Index and you must view them individually. Unfortunately I could not find a next or previous button on the individual entries. This wouldn’t be a big deal, if I was actually able to right-click on the page. The author has decided to disable right-click so I was unable to open each entry into its own window. Along with that, there are buttons for different things outside of the site which I was not too happy to have clicked on. The main one asking “What would you do with $10,000” only to be spammed with 5 different pop up windows. Please give me warning on this.

But as I have stated in the past, this is the Weblog review, and not the Design review. So onto the weblog. The author of this blog is truly gifted. He is able to write with such detail it is amazing. It is almost as if the author is really a professional writer. Every post was written well, good spelling, and just came alive off of the screen. I was able to picture everything as if I was reading a good book. This is something I enjoyed.

The problem with comparing it to a book however is that it doesn’t flow like a book. Some entries relate, while others do not. This is after all a personal weblog and deals with what is going on with the author at this point in time. So with each entry I was wanting more because of the ability, and then to move on, was somewhat of a hard thing to do.

There are many other sections to this site that are not related to the blog itself. He gives us his thoughts on being Piscean, which is another good read, and also some philosophy that he has learned. Along with that we have music and comics which give us even more detail as to who the author is. There is a page entitled “Ghostly” which is basically his about me page. I find it rather amusing to call an about me page Ghostly for some reason. Finally, I was most impressed with his Magic The Gathering section. Not because he is an adult playing the CCG, and not because I used to spend all my money on that same game, but because it is something unique to this blog. Not too many people post about MTG, and for that, I am glad the author did.

The author stated in the intro page that he is an adult dealing with adult problems. That is why it is considered an Adult blog. By all measurements out there, this statement is very true. I would not expect a teenager to be able to read and understand everything that is going on, nor the motivation behind certain things. I wouldn’t even expect an adult to be able to do the same either.

I must give this site some credit though. It is definitely the first site that I have reviewed that I could not sit down and read it and review it in one day. This weblog has had time and effort put into it. Which is something you, the reader, must put into it as well in order to get something out of it.

I have to give this site a 3.5 because the design deteriorates the blog itself. While it is an original design, there is too much going on, and too limiting to what I can do. The blog itself is worth a 4.0 and if you have the time and the energy to sit down and read, then you must go visit Piscean Waters.
Piscean Waters