Review 2034

Every weblog has a point. Some are more clearly defined than others. This site has a very clear definition. And when the definition is so clear, it makes it easy to write and also easy to read. Indonesian Experience is about a guys experience in Indonesia. Go figure. But it is a very good read to see how someone adapts to a new culture.

But I did have one big complaint with the weblog itself. It just started a week ago and already I am hooked. Every now and then a good site comes along and you are able to see it from the start.

Seriously though, I do have a complaint. The template used is my least favorite template, and it is way over used. I don’t know what everyone’s fascination is about this template, but I just do not like it. It doesn’t seem to improve a site in any way.

This site is deserving of a perfect score regardless of the template used. However, I cannot give a perfect score to a site that is only 1 week old. I look forward to seeing this site grow as I know it will get even better.
indonesian experience