Review 1616

The first thing to note about this weblog is that is seems to be regularly updated – and that’s important. There’s nothing worse than looking at a site, finding a couple of interesting items on it and them discovering that it hasn’t changed for weeks.

The comments and on the site seem to be personal views and insights by the author about current news articles. This is all fairly standard stuff for a weblog but there seems to be a certain amount of angst in these writings. Some details serious deep issues whereas others cover a variety of simple harmless topics which just happen to be bugging the author.

Amongst the rest of the site there are film reviews (well one at least), a series of collected links, a guestbook and details of the webmaster. This section is probably the key to understanding this site.

Imagine a site reviewing current new articles with the following as the webmasters own intro,

Your name is: Crash

Is that your real name: What do you think?

I wanna know your real name: And I want a Dodge Viper, but we can’t always get what we want.

For some reason when I copied that I thought it said fuck somewhere in there – it doesn’t but I got the impression from the rest of the site that it should.

Also included here are reviews of episodes of Enterprise, a section called The Moron Files which I really want to know more about, about 40 pictures (not porn) each of Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst, Cameron Diaz, a picture of the authors current desktop (sigh, another XP user) and a nice little legal disclaimer telling people to go away if they don’t like what they read.

The Moron files intrigues me the most as it seems to detail who has cut the author up the most on the local roads in Albuquerque, New Mexico and if the majority are Male of Female. For those of you interested the current score is Men 0 Women 4.

Overall a nice varied site which I’ll probably be coming back to.cyberwreck