Review 1605

Sometimes when I come across a news/links site, I have a hard time understanding the idea behind where they come from or what the purpose of the site is. Most of the time there isn’t an about section, nor a post about the weblog, however, this site has that post. And after reading this one post, I was able to understand what exactly was going on. So in order for you to understand the site, here is a section of that post.

Hence this weblog. Every day I’ll be adding comments on passing events, links worth pursuing, grand speculations–whatever seems interesting. The exposure should at least keep me on my toes, and if anyone finds something of interest that will be all to the good.

With that said, lets get into this weblog. Ok, first thing, the title says View from the Right. So you already know the perspective of this political (or lack there of) weblog. So I won’t go into that sort of thing.

What the site does bring is a refreshing view from your “standard” news sites. The authors (there are two of them) show you what it is like looking at a recent news item through a different lens. Even if it isn’t a different perspective from yours, it is still a different prescription (keeping with the lens analogy).

The posts on this site are very recent. Everything that is “making the headlines” right now they have a comment on it. It was interesting to go through the archives because there was some news items that I forgot about, but was reminded of very quickly. This was a good thing since a typical news/links weblog’s archives are out-dated.

The design of the site is your standard Moveable Type template. It is clean, and works for this site, but I can’t help but think if the site would benefit from an original design or not.

Over all, this site provided me with more insight to current events which I am always looking for more sources. This is a good read, and even if you are on the “Left” so to speak, you should find what is said to be interesting.
View from the Right