Review 1108

From the get go, I really enjoyed reading this site. Kevin’s smart and he’s witty, and combining those two things with his clear and concise writing style, you’ve got one heck of a weblog to read through!

Kevin posts several times a day sometimes, but nearly everything he does post is worthy of reading. He’s quite the music and movie connoisseur, and it’s always refreshing to read other takes on specific forms of media that are out and about.

The layout of the site was just as clean and enjoyable as the weblog. The site has a complete archives, and Kevin’s even taken the time to link some of what he considers the “best of” his past weblog entries.

I’ll be the first person to admit that I’m naturally harder on kids under the 18 that have a weblog. Why? I think it’s because when I was that age, I was involved in those good ol’ school-related activities and working to save up money for a tank of gas.

And as I’m stereoptyping, I should also add that the majority of teenage weblogs I’ve read are chock full of crude misspellings and entirely too many emoticons. You can imagine the happiness I felt when “invalid” was nothing like this at all. It’s definitely worth checking out.invalid