Review 905

“Immigrant Stories” is a weblog about exactly that – immigrant stories. And they’re very good stories.

The writing on this site is so wonderful. Reading each weblog entry was like writing a chapter of a story. The conversation between parties, the descriptions of the people and surroundings, and the way the author put into words their different thoughts and ideas – these three things turn this into a weblog that’s enjoyable to read.

This weblog is just getting its start from the look of it, and while it’s not update on a daily basis, the posts that are there are definitely worth reading.

The design is simple without a lot of bells and whistles, but it doesn’t need anything more than what it has already.

I hope this author keeps up the fine writing style that’s evident of the weblog so far. It’s surely a site to visit just to experience what the author has thus far.Immigrant Stories