Review 902

I absolutely love unproductivity (the website and the act which isn’t really a word but should be). This web log is everything I look for in a web log. I was so impressed in fact, I added this one to my ever-growing favorites list and am assigning it to my daily reads.

The design of is unique and quite amazing. The webmaster, Tom Johnson, works magic with his computer as the design of this website is extremely artistic and classy.

Tom has an excellent web log. He writes quite well and has mastered the act of ‘writing about odd thoughts’ that happen to make their way into his head. For instance, his most recent entry is about ‘words we use too much.’ Not a necessarily deep-thoughted entry but effective for keeping me interested and that’s all that matters.

I give this weblog the best rating I possibly can give, a 5.0.

I loved this website and I have excellent taste so I suggest everyone go check it out.unproductivity