Review 846

I liked the nice clean layout on this blog. It was nice and clear and easy to find the main content. I also liked the photo so that you can see who is behind the writing! I have to admit that I am not a fan of black but it works with this layout.

The weblog is the story of her life, including ups and downs. I was disappointed that she has not made an entry since the end of January though as she was having a family trauma. The stories are interesting and she has a nice fluid writing style. She is also writing to get feedback to see if others agree with her thought patterns sometimes and for reassurance!

The design itself is basic, but a superb layout that makes it easy to see where you are going and what you are going to. The inside information was interesting and helps you to bond with the writer more. It also gives you an insight to how she writes and what makes her brain tick. I liked the personal touch of publishing the photo’s, although they did take some time to load up.

I have to say that the personal element on this site made it interesting for me. The combination of that and other blogs, and the technical sites make it worthy of a visit, as long as it gets updated soon! The blog is well thought out with alot of effort made to make your visit enjoyable.

This site is worth a visit and a wander round the links. It is clear and well designed, and the writing is clear and interesting. Overall, I enjoyed it for what is was, a personal site about one woman’s life.

Anicee’s Digital Existence