Review 845

I liked this site a lot. It’s very simple and nicely laid out with colorful little buttons to different areas on the site like a gallery, poetry and a bio section. Plus there are also quotes by Ernest Hemingway and others throughout the site which are nice to read.

Stefan jaeger is a 20-year-old who knows how to write beautifully. When I began reading his posts, they were short, but they carried a lot of meaning behind them. His writing is more poetic and reflective than your average weblog which makes for a nice change. The posts are mainly about his reflections of being away from home and then visiting his hometown in Austria for a short period of time and in a way, how his frequent trips are putting certain parts of his live more into perspective.

My only complaint is that I wish he updated his site more frequently. Over all I really like this site and if you like poetic writing, I’m sure you’ll like it.daily thoughts