Review 834

What is so great about a Blogger template site named after an actress, written by a guy who doesn’t care about her, designed with a horrible salmon-colored background with a non-aestheticly pleasing layout? It took me a while to answer this question, but I think I finally decided that it’s the dead-pan, tongue-in-cheek humor with which the author presents the content.

The site is named after Amanda Peterson, an actress I have never heard of, and is sprinkled with pictures of her. Each pic has pink devil horns and a pointed tail painted on, ala the Microsoft Paint airbrush tool. The author explains in the FAQ that he chose the name for his site becuase his fiance resembles the actress. Kind of random, but a pretty funny basis for a weblog.

I found myself laughing aloud at the funny Q/A’s in the FAQ, as well as the anecdotes under the “where I was when…” section.

The weblog entries were full of more of the same sense of humor, with the author talking about random things in his life, all with a funny slant.

To top off the site, the author’s photo section turned out to be quite hilarious, especially with captions such as “My dad with a miner” and “My parents with a clown”.

Call me crazy, but the lack of web design talent and the utter randomness of the content mixed to become the perfect formula for a unique site with a rare knack for remaining humble, funny, and interesting. Amanda Peterson