Review 826

Sometimes people can’t pull off a website consisting of just news links, because there are so many out there. Eliot, fortunately, is not one of these folks. He has put together a very informative, and yet very entertaining website.

A brief overview of the design – it’s simple. It’s what you want. It doesn’t draw attention away from the content, which is the most important thing going on at this site.

Eliot does a very fine job of presenting the news, keeping it short when needs to be and more narrative when it should be. His words are professional, yet casual to read, and his personal thoughts very clearly reflect his beliefs and opinions. Not many people can go about presenting that in an easy-to-read way, but Eliot does this perfectly.

Get your daily news right here. Seriously, just forget about CNN, or your other favorite news site for a bit and jump right on in to “Follow Me Here…” for the news, and a realistic viewpoint on Eliot’s opinion of what’s gracing the headlines.

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