Review 801

I started to review this site a few days ago, but Jordan was still working on a layout. Today, when I checked in, all was well with the layout, so I proceeded with my review.

And the new layout, in my opinion, works quite well. It’s simple, not at all distracting, and the colors on the main banner and throughout the weblog page worked very well together.

This is your simple, everyday weblog. Jordan updates several times a day. The posts are all relatively short, which makes them easy to read. Even though they’re brief, you can definitely get a good laugh out of some of them.

My favorite posts were the ones in July 2001, where Jordan sometimes featured conversations between an image of Jesus and an image of a cell phone ad model. They were absolutely goofy, and made me giggle each time I saw either of the images in any of the rest of the posts.

Jordan’s one of those most faithful webloggers I’ve seen in a long time – posting throughout the day, and not keeping anyone in suspense as to how her day’s going or what she’s thinking.

I really liked this site for a good chuckle! 🙂patrick swayze super mullet