Review 629

My Will is, quite frankly, very pretty with its varying hues of pastel blue, cute anime graphic, and layout. It views exceptionally well in MSIE 5.5; however, it lacks tremendously in NS 6.1 where the dropdown information links display all at once and the overall format is skewed. Nonetheless, MSIE browser equipped readers will find My Will to be a visual treat. This is a good thing, for what My Will offers in style and layout, it lacks in sophisticated content. Unless, of course, the reader is between the ages of 12 and 16 and has an interest in anime and/or daily teen life.

My Will’s 15 year old author does offer insight into the mindset(s) of today’s teens, which can provide for an interesting read; but, there seems to be so much going on in the author’s life that she cannot possibly put it all to post without losing the reader somewhere along the way. Here and there, sprinkled throughout the bulk of the author’s posts, are references to friends and events — most of which are not highly detailed. It is annoying to the reader to have to backtrack every few posts to ascertain to whom or what the author is referring. My Will offers itself up as an antithesis to the “less is more” trend in weblogging. Perhaps, if the author were willing to streamline her posts by better detailing various events and people in separate, stand-alone entries, My Will would possess a more reader-friendly and less confusing flow.

Despite her tendency to ramble (or, post in a manner which seems to ramble), the author is both intelligent and creative. She is not without a sense of humor, nor does she offend with poor grammar, syntax and spelling. My Will is appealing in design and concept and, with more concise and better detailed posts, may have a secure niche among teen weblogs.My Will