Review 470

Keli at Dropkick could use some work on her blog, but over-all, at least she blogs frequently! Not all her posts make sense, and that is a big plus. I say that because most blogs are personal, and are only meant for people who know the blogger or the blogger themselves to understand.

Her layout doesn’t look right on my monitor. That can just be resolution problems interfering with CSS coding, so I won’t drag her down because of it. It’s plain and simple. I like layouts that are either extremely simple or extremely complicated for personal reasons, but I must say I like her layout. IF it loaded faster!

Cam is another plus, because we can connect personality with Keli’s face and emotions. The negative side is that she looks like so many of the popular cam girls, it’s hard to keep track of them all! I don’t blame her, because she’s from Cali and people tend to be blonde from that part of the world (no offense.) At least she doesn’t act like the other cam girls.. At least not from what I’ve seen so far! Keli seems to have the need to separate herself, and she could express it more in her blog by writing stories and poems, but that’s her choice.

Personally, I like Keli because she likes BMX, and I do too. She confesses that she doesn’t ride, but she likes watching her friends and thinks it’s cool. Her blog is more of a diary, but then again the original meaning of “blog” has evolved from posting links to posting diary entries. I’m guilty of using the evolved version too, so I can’t judge her on that if I were to be fair.

So I think Keli has a good blog. There’s some weak points here and there, but no one is perfect. OK layout, good blogging, so-so cam images, and overall, it’s an alright site. Is it one I would visit often? Maybe, it depends on if she strives to improve. If the site goes down the drain, then no, I wont, sorry. Visit it while it lasts.
