Review 417

Twisted Reality is a lot like any other weblog. It is basically a chronicle of the everyday life of Andy. I would be lying pretty hardcore if I said I liked this site. The site is just divided up into way to many sections. I don’t like a site that makes you scroll forever to read everything. If you are not viewing this site in 1028×768 it will not fit on your screen. It is also just a Blogger template with a few modifications. I don’t mind Blogger templates, but so many of them are in use. I suppose if the posts were more entertaining, or interesting it would take away from the layout. The other problem that added to my “don’t like” list, is the lack of archives. From what I can tell, his site has not been up for awhile, but his posts are so large, you must scroll forever to catch up to the present. He should also make sure all his links are working properly. I hoe the Andy understand what I am saying here, because his site has potential to become a great weblog. Twisted Reality