Review 3634

The What Am I here For (WAIHF) blog has as its tagline ‘daily reflections on meaning and purpose in life’. This site is an excellent example of the power of blogging technology in 2011 to allow individuals anywhere to publish thoughtful musings online for the entire world to read.

Arik Dondi, the owner and writer for WAIHF, is a sensitive and thoughtful person who is daring to tackle big questions such as what it means for someone to make a good choice, and what it means to live life with purpose.

I imagine that Dondi’s idea for this site is to connect with people on a deeper level than do sites concerned simply with what one thinks of a movie he saw recently or favorite recipes. It is a lofty goal but clearly Dondi isn’t concerned if some people won’t share his sense of introspection because I think he realizes that among readers that do “get it”, he could very well be creating a small community of like-minded people.

WAIHF was created with, which is a terrific tool that allows people who have no interest in spending too much time on blogging technology to create perfectly functional and attractive websites so that they can simply get started writing about the subjects in which they are interested.

What Am I Here For is the sort of site we could visit on a regular basis, in moments when we have some downtime and perhaps are more attuned to the ‘Big Picture’. As I read over several articles on the site I thought that a new reader might be inspired and less reluctant to create a similar site himself.

If you are interested in philosophical musings not too far removed from everyday life, I’d recommend taking a look at the What Am I Here For blog to connect with a kindred spirit and maybe even get a little clarity on your own life.