Review 3222

It didn’t take me any time at all to finish reading the archives of “Life As I Know It”. Here I sit a few hours after reading it all, though, and can’t really recall any of the information I read from the author’s posts.

The author is John. He’s a Christian bachelor living in the St. Louis area, according to his Blogger profile. Before I began reading, I thought I would be able to relate on a few levels – single and living in a metropolitan area. I’m also very familiar with the St. Louis area, hopefully giving me another avenue where I could connect with the writer. Unfortunately, I was zero for three in the “connection” field.

John does tech support for a local newspaper. He sometimes writes about his day at work. Church, his family, and music are other topics of interest that John focuses at in his posts.

The posts are very straightforward and there’s nothing really below the surface of his posts. They don’t require readers to think or formulate opinions or questions about what they’ve just read. They’re just vague. It almost seems as if John walks on egg shells to make sure he doesn’t go against what any of his readers would think.

The site’s hosted by Blogger, so it naturally has a Blogger template. Thankfully, it’s a simple one that’s very easy to navigate and keeps things simple. John lists a few of his favorite links on the sidebar, but that’s all of the customizing he’s bothered to do on the site.

Recommending the site to other readers is easy if they are just looking for a quick weblog read. What you see is what you get in this weblog – the straight facts, very little opinion, but very clear writing.