Review 3094

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I visited this site. What I found was a pleasant looking weblog with pithy, interesting posts covering a wide range of topics. The banner at the top of the page is a series non-clickable thumbnail size photos with the words “AREF-ABID” to the left, which turn out to be the author’s last name.

Aref-Abid posts several times a month on topics including art, his new computer wallpaper (a photo of a bed cover his mother knitted), political issues, technology, drawings by Max (his son), and several other categories. There is very little personal information given about the author, though I inferred that he is Iranian by birth, lives in London and is married with a son.

Aref-Abid is a true “weblog” rather than a diary or journal. The majority of posts consist of an image, one or two lines of comments and a link to a longer story. I found the posts to be whimsical and entertaining. The author has an interesting perspective and draws attention to things that are out of the ordinary or slightly off the beaten path. He often does not comment on his posts but lets the images speak for themselves.

There are no special features to speak of, just a group of google ads on the right sidebar. At the top of the side bar is a clock showing the time in London and a search bar. Below those are categories, archives and a way to syndicate the site. The template is a simple one powered by moveable type.

I found the site amusing and, occasionally, thought provoking. I would recommend taking a look.NULL