Review 3002

When I traveled over to computer security I was expecting to read articles about current internet security problems. Instead I was disappointed. I ended up reading about how to setup a firewall, how to install anti-virus software, etc.

This site is a good site for the typical home computer user that doesn’t know anything about the dangers of being plugged into the internet. I would recommend most home users to check out this site for it tells you the useful information without the scare tactics tied to it. If you are an advanced computer user, this site is not for you…

The design was nice. It had a tan background with dark writing. Easy to read.

There is not that many posts right now, I would like to see more in the future. Maybe talk about issues that can put the non-computer person at risk. Like not locking down their wireless network they have setup at their house, or not updating their anti-virus software. I think information on phishing and pharming schemes would also be good information to give to the typical computer user.

Overall I would rate this site as a 3.5 for it is a good reference for the inexperienced computer user.