Review 2977

To be honest, I am not a fan of religious blogs at all. In fact, I am not a fan of religious people who go about preaching and thinking they are above me just because they do something different on Sunday. I really do not like it when people tell me things like “I know I am going to heaven so I don’t have to worry any more” and “My God is better than your God.” With that said, I figured this blog was going to be something along those lines, even with the title.

Thankfully I was wrong. This blog isn’t about someone preaching their ways to get you to convert, it is as the title says, A Christian who is gay and is confused. The most recent post at the time of this review (entitled Love the sinner, hate the sin) probably sums this blog up the best. The post goes on to explain how some Christians will “Love the sinner, but hate the sin”. It is ok for a Christian to forgive sins such as watching porn, swearing, and others, but if you are gay, that is unforgivable. And thus they came up with “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” The author makes an excellent point in this post when she says: many Christians see being gay as sin… so when they say “I love you, I just hate the sin”, what they end up saying is “I love you; I just hate this massive part of your identity.”

The rest of the posts are of similar nature. They deal with her conflicts of being both a Christian and being gay. This makes for a very interesting look at Christianity. I actually enjoyed this look on it because it actually points out the loopholes with Christianity. Rather than trying to make us, the reader, into Christians, it is simply a place for her to sort through the issues that she is faced with.

The design of this site is a simple blogger template. While its not the greatest it does serve its purpose with this blog. I would like to see this blog expand its content as it is just a blog with nothing else. Sure it is hard to expand, but maybe something like a scripture a week with her take on it and how it affects her.

The site is a newer site with only 22 total posts ranging from August till September. There is room to grow, but then there is also room to get stale. There are no extras on this site as I mentioned and hope that she branches out a little bit. Even for such a young blog, I still was captivated by the content. I give it a 4.25 because it isn’t perfect, but it is definitely worth checking out.