Review 2887

I wasn’t sure what the word Bravus meant so I tried to look it up. Unfortunately no results for it, so I was left clueless as to what to expect in this blog.

The page loads up to a very simple design. Grey background, black text, two columns, and a big header in a dark red is all there is. No images, no fancy scripts, just the blog and the normal second column info. One thing I noticed is that there is a broken image right above the twr button, which got me thinking about my image. The author has hot linked my image, rather than download it, and upload it to his server. This is something that is generally frowned upon as it isn’t cool to steal someone else’s bandwidth. If I wanted, I could replace the image with a picture of a clown, or a monkey, or something worse and he would be non-the-wiser.

While reading the blog I have discovered that the author is a teacher in some sort of science – I am about 99% positive it is physics, but I could be wrong. There are quiet a few of these science posts as well as teaching and daily life. The blog itself doesn’t have much that doesn’t read as a “that’s already been done in a blog”.

Overall I felt this was just your average blog. You may like it, you may not. There is nothing preventing me from saying go visit this site, and there is nothing preventing me from saying don’t. This is one of those sites where you are either going to connect and enjoy it, or if you are like me and have read countless blogs, find it rather similar to a lot of other blogs out there.Bravus