Review 2654

Mistress Passion? You’ll have to wait. The page may take quite a while to load. I’m not sure why. Could be the handful of pictures on the rather long home page. The pea green background looks odd surrounding the picture of a pair of feet in toeless shoes.

I got confused right off the bat here because the page was taking so long to load, I clicked on a link just under the toes, and in a cyber-undertow, was taken to another site. I thought for a while that this opening page was just a ruse for “Dean’s World” where I ended up, but turns out after coming back to Mistress Passion’s site, it had loaded. This kind of confusion, I don’t need.

Anyway, there are only 6 posts on this blog, and most are long. The content is a rather muddled combination of supposedly real life stuff, and lectures about what the author calls “bdsm”. For those in the know, now you know. I found the writing rather patronizing and pompous considering the subject. But I suppose if one is into this kind of thing, you might be able to have a dialog with the author. Although in reading one of the few comments left on the entries, it seems like people who might comment, have trust issues.

There is no real “About Me” page that I could find. And frankly I did not check out the other links as I was not into seeing stuff I wasn’t prepared for. I only decided to review this adult site because it was not loaded with offensive images.

It’s hard to say what direction this site might take. If a real conversation about this lifestyle develops, it could be interesting. I admittedly don’t know jack about bdsm, but would not mind hearing how people get involved in it. I feel less threatened by reading these kinds of things than by being bombarded by shocking images. And if this site does not go in that direction, it could become something fairly interesting. But it’s way too soon to tell.

Mistress Passion