Review 2588

Woah Nelly! Check out this blog. No, really, stop reading the review and check out the blog. It’s so cool! Normally, as regular readers might have guessed I don’t really like News and Links blogs, they’re not my deal, but this isn’t a typical news or links blog. Sure, it’s got links to news and other great stuff, but there’s also a lot of personality thrown into it as well.

For one, the design is absolutely fantastic. One of the best designs for a blog that I have seen for a long time. Brilliant use of the colour orange – a strange colour in itself but it’s used very well here. It demonstrates a heck of a lot of talent from the author, who does indeed have her very own design website. Everything is all set out in a typical two-column format, but to be honest, the design wins me over so I really don’t care. It loads fast even though there’s a load of graphics and link buttons on the site which is always a good thing.

The content itself is minimalistic, for the most part, which makes reading the blog a cinch, though Jen is a terrific writer which makes actually reading the blog entry (instead of just clicking on the links she puts up straight away without reading first) much more fun. Most entries in the blog I have found are quite short, though there are a number of longer entries that deal with more personal things such as kids in theatres (oh how I relate!) and discussing the weather and Cincinnati’s lack of salt trucks and other necessary snow-related stuff. The links are great to take a peek at because there’s hardly any regular boring news. It’s all mostly interesting or quirky or just… really weird. They range from celebrity phobias to slightly more current issues to USB Swiss Army Knives.. mmmm’kay!

All in all, Very Big Blog is not only a great bit of entertainment on the web, but it’s also a good resource for interesting places to investigate if you’re looking to alleviate a little boredom. Extremely pleased to be giving this one a 5/5. Definitely one for the favourites listing! Thanks Jen!verybigblog