Review 2443

It’s been a while between reviews, and what better way to delve back into the reviewing business than to start of with this classy blog. You won’t find whizz-bang graphics, bells, whistles or any odd error-alerting coding on the site. It even loads pleasantly quickly, considering it’s a Blogspot blog. I’m a simple girl, with simple tastes, and this blog really appealed to me from start to finish. Firstly, it’s very easy to read, I cannot stress how much this affects my reviews. I found the colours so refreshing and easy to look at for a long period of time – which I did when I was scouring the entries.

As it says in the header quote: “A somewhat daily chronicle of the events that concern D. Kelly Smith (and I’ll call him “Kelly” for the purpose of this review) and the world around him.” And it certainly is. As it’s a personal blog, I immediately searched out the “about” section to find out a bit more about the person behind the blog, and I wasn’t surprised to find a simple statement about himself and a few lovely pictures of his family. Hell, he’s even got his own theme song which I think is rather novel.

Kelly’s love and concern for his family is evident in his blog – it’s something you see straight away as you read them. He questions the motives of people and organisations around him and worries about the effects they could have on his family, this is what makes his blog so personable. I enjoyed Kelly’s thoughtful responses to what is considered “pop culture” as well (probably because I found myself agreeing with him much of the time) and found myself nodding along or whispering the same sort of sentiments to myself as I read.

The blog possesses a quiet intelligence that’s subtle and quite nice to read. There’s nothing in your face about it. He doesn’t rant about how people should agree with him, he just puts his point across politely and without much fanfair. I think that has a more profound affect on any reader than the simple “agree with me or eff off” sort of blogger.

One final note, as I was clicking through the archives, I came across Kelly’s post for 9/11. This awesome quote is from that entry:

“We talk about racial issues, socioeconomic issues, regional issues, and religous issues, we talk about all of the issues that divide us as a nation, we laugh and scoff at the President and our Congressional Leaders without the realization that in one way, we are all the same.”

Thanks for this awesome blog, Kelly.

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