Review 2420

I liked the look of this clean cut layout. I was surprised that there was no real information on the sidebars apart from a photo and a calendar. It all looked slightly sparse, but it was clean looking and definitely clutter free!

I noticed that this blog started, or the first posting was in January 2003. The entries are somewhat sparse and it seems that he had a few problems with backing up the blog. The content is based around politics, music and radio stations. It seems that Bert was laid off after 16+ years and he seems happy about it. His passions are music, politics and softball. He touches on various issues about “black people” which he describes as “I use the term Black to describe my people, because it reminds me of the civil-rights struggle of my parents generation.”

There is no information to let you really know who Bert is. There are no archives, the content of the blog is what you see on this page. It is still in the early stages, but in time, I think that it could hold some interesting observations and opinions.

This is a young blog which I found quite hard to review due to the limited content. Some of the political comments did go over my head, but that may be as I am in another country! I, personally, would like to know abit more about Bert and to see some more posts. I think that it has potential, and hopefully will grow with time.That Colored Fellas weblog