Review 2403

Templated sites of any kind generally don’t get me too excited visually. As Megalthic Portal is a Post-Nuke site it certainly qualified. It is clean and functional, but nothing has really been done outside of color to really spice it up visually… (Mega what? I had to look it up, mega·lith : a very large usually rough stone used in prehistoric cultures as a monument or building block’)

The site is about megaliths, prehistory and archaeology of Great Britain and Ireland. If this interests you, you’ll likely think you hit the jackpot, there is a ton of information here.

Photos, articles, maps, a forum, downloads, guest book, recommended books on the subject, chat…it is rather overwhelming. Some pages seem very busy indeed. A few sections display poorly, with too many font colours, sizes on one page they border on being an eye-sore…Possibly a result of the template limitation.

The closest I found to a blog was the news section which contains megalthic related news snippets from local newspapers (with some written articles). Which are truly excellent for locating megaliths in Britain. An example:

County: Co. Mayo Type: Wedge Tomb

Alternate Name: Tobernahaltora

Nearest Village: Louisburgh

Map Ref: L793746 NEW: Megalith Map Square L

Discovery Map Number: D37 – Order this map

Wedge Tomb in Co. Mayo

9.6 km S of Louisburgh, immediately NE of the road and Lough Nahaltora (Altar Lake), this well-preserved sepulchre is in a very beautiful situation by the roadside. A single large roofstone covers most of the main chamber of the gallery, which is 4.2 metres long. Double-walling, a fine large septal slab, and traces of the cairn survive. As ‘The Altar Well’ (Tobernahaltora) it was formerly venerated as a holy well!

There is no question if megaliths, prehistory or archaeology interest you that you’ll find this site an amazing resource. It has monumental resources for those interested in talking about, visiting, learning or protecting these treasures of the past. In spite of the over zealous nature of how the data is presented… clearly the work and passion that went in to this site is apparent, and that must be commended. A great resource.
The Megalthic Portal