Review 2379

My first instinct is that this is going to be a news filled site. Maybe it’s the way it looks, but I doubt I had any idea what I was in for. There are a few, smaller shots of, I would guess, the author in the top left corner. These are very mysterious indeed, forcing me to want to read on. Pobrecita. My poor little one. Reminds of my days with my Hispanic friends and this is another reason I wanted to read this blog.

The first thing I began to tackle was the search for an about me page. Not finding one I did happen to find a FAQ. Read this. It’s hilarious. This made me seriously want to jump headstrong right into this blog (not to mention write the review before someone else got to). This author’s writing is captivating. I can’t help but hang on every written word. I started from the eldest entries, simply because he states, on June 14th that he needs “to organise my post break-up mid-life crisis.” The entries are funny in a quirky way that leaves you wanting to read more. They’re highly addictive with his blunt humor and candor. There’s few words in my vocabulary to describe how utterly addictive this author’s writing really is. The feelings conveyed in his entries are, well, brilliant. As a reviewer I actually feel inadequate for expressing how wonderfully written this blog truly is. Even if I don’t read through the entire blog today (which I may do anyway), I will finish reading. It is just. that. amazing.

The design is simple but functional. All of the archives work. The external links still exist. He offers in his side bars a grouping of music he’s listening to and books that he’s reading. The colors used in this blog work well together, making it quite easy to read.

The most notable of this blog is defiantly the writing and the writing style of the author. As I mentioned earlier, this FAQ is quite amusing and worth reading before you start on the blog. It gives you just enough back-story to understand why the author started the blog in the first place.

The reason to read this blog isn’t for the fun fangled stuff of other blogs. The reason to read this blog is for the writing; the engaging story that the author weaves in his entries. He’ll grab you with his wit, and keep you with the emotion. It’s hard not to understand where he’s coming from in his entries, even if he’s on the other side of the globe and quite a few years older than me. It’s a blog worth a read. If you read a few entries you’ll find yourself wanting more, like a good book that you never wanted to end.Life In The Hard Shoulder