Review 2372

The Daily Post… With a name like this I expect a lot of news stories. Some political, others entertainment, and every now and then one of those strange but true type of stories. Unfortunately and thankfully this site was not a news recap sort of place.

What we have at The Daily Post is a group blog. While there are only two primary people who post, there are others who will drop in with their own opinion. With all group blogs I either expect a lot of interaction between the members, or hardly any at all. This site defies both of those and has a nice mix of it all.

The posts themselves are not based around what others have posted about, the comments are. And the comments are mainly left by those who are authors of the blog. The posts have a nice mix of things from politics to daily life to books being read. Nothing stood out with this blog except for the blogathon section which we will get to in a bit.

The design of the site is a very simple two column design. The information you would expect in what is typically called the navigation column is all there. I wish there were links to outside places – more specifically if the authors have their own personal blog a direct link would be nice.

There is a nice about section which helps to glue some of those missing pieces together as well as individual pages for each author. The blogathon section looks to be an interesting one with a theme of what I am assuming is “What would you do if you were world leader?” Should be fun.

Over all I think the site is just average. Nothing is drawing me into this site to want to keep going at it, but at the same time nothing is pushing me away from it. This is a good site to read when you need to just sit back and kill some time. Not a daily read, but one you want to check out.
The Daily Post