Review 2306

“Of or referring to the god Mercury” is the definition of “mercurial,” an interesting name with the description of “toxic.” This blog is somewhat plain in demeanor, but full of interesting links and content.

The blog is set up with different categories of links, ranging from Politics, Society and Environment to Books, Sex and Assorted. There are different images to help prepare the reader for what is to come with each post. The writer usually adds a little bit of their own opinions to the post, and even quotes parts to lure the reader into wanting more. I easily found myself venturing from the site to new and exciting things. If you find yourself looking through the archives, you’ll find longer entries that bring you closer to the author and the things they’re experiencing.

The blog is only posted by one author, or so I could see from the main site and browsing through some of the archives. It’s all things interesting or alluring to the author, but always on subjects that seem to have a bit of mass appeal.

Though the site can be a little bland with it’s lack of colors, it makes up for it in content. There are many interesting things to read on this blog, and the author points you in the right direction when searching for different kinds of links on varying diverse subjects.

The blog is categorized as news/links, however the author throws in a bit of personal flare to the mix as well. An interesting read for the random passerby, the daily reader might be more interested in learning more about the author if they wanted to come back. I might actually categorize this site as personal rather than news/links, as there is a bit of an intimate feel to this blog.Mercurial